Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Everyone loves Atul.

Everyone loves Atul.Atul, Armaan’s best friend is the most cheerful person in the group. He not only helps others but also spreads happiness and love among his friends. This was evident in his recent attempt to cheer up Muskaan and help her to get out of her somber. I wish all the doctors in US could be as cheerful and smiling as Atul is. He has also recently bought three plants and named them as seeta, geeta and meeta. We all love to watch him here in Los Angeles, in Dil Mill Gaye on Star One.

Make sure that even you don’t miss the next episode of Dil Mill Gaye on Star One in US.

Both STAR ONE and STAR PLUSDish Network, DirectTV and your local cable provider. And in case your cable or Dish and DirectSTAR Television make sure you ask them to do so or you would miss the most sort after television serial in United States.

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